Thursday, November 20, 2008

Best Time To Get Pregnant

The Best Time To Get

Right now, there's a very good chance something you are doing or not doing is
standing in your way of
getting pregnant
. So how do you boost your odds of conceiving quickly.
You see the fundamentals involved in getting pregnant have got to do with
timing, positions, and quite a few secrets I'm not at liberty to divulge here.

I give you one tip here as many couples are under the mistaken impression that
it is helpful to avoid sex during the month except for the time around when you
are ovulating. This comes from the idea that if you "save up" the sperm, they
will be more plentiful when you need them!

Turns out, this is a very big mistake. It's true, if you save up the sperm, you
might actually have more when your fertile time of the month comes, but there's
one big problem. Most of these sperm will be tired, and sluggish, and unable to
fertilize your egg. In order to have the best chance of conception, it is
necessary to keep the sperm supply fresh!

That means your partner should be ejaculating at least every 5 days throughout
the month. Of course this does not apply to when you are approaching your
fertile time (ovulation), when every 5 days is definitely not enough. You can
get all the specific details on timing and frequency during your "fertile
window" by reading chapter 2 of Personal Path to Pregnancy.

Click this link just to have a look, The
Best Time To Get Pregnant

It's Not What You Think..Most of you probably know that you need to have sex
when you ovulate in order to get pregnant. What you may not know is just how
important it is to get the timing right, as the window of opportunity is very
small, so you may be missing out on the best time to get pregnant.

Basically, the egg can only live between 12 and 24 hours (many experts believe
it is actually closer to 12 than 24), and the sperm can survive from 2 to about
5 days in the woman's body. So it is critical that the sperm are there "waiting"
when the egg releases. It is too late to have sex after you've ovulated, because
by the time the sperm travel up the fallopian tube, the egg will be

So ideally, you need to know when you will ovulate (through either ovulation
predictor kits, temperature charting, or other methods), and then you need to
make sure to have sex 2 to 5 days prior to ovulation. It is also a good idea to
have sex on the day you actually ovulate, since it's hard to pinpoint the exact
hour of ovulation, and there's a chance the sperm can meet the egg before it
starts to break down. Those are pretty much the basics.

Click this link just to have a look, The
Best Time To Get Pregnant

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